Medical Staffing Resources

How to improve the locum tenens credentialing process

July 17, 2024
Physician recruiter sitting at a desk next to a window looking at paperwork

Every healthcare facility uses a different process for credentialing providers. Still, most face three common challenges: getting complete and accurate information from providers, communicating with stakeholders, and completing reviews promptly. In this article, we review survey results revealing the top credentialing issues, share tips to make the credentialing process more manageable, and explain how working with a staffing agency can make the job easier.

Top issues in credentialing locum tenens providers

A survey conducted by CompHealth in partnership with the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR) identified the top problems experienced by healthcare facilities when credentialing locum tenens physicians.

1. Incomplete or inaccurate paperwork

The number one problem in credentialing locum tenens providers is not receiving everything needed or inaccurate/out-of-date information.

Graph showing various issues healthcare organizations have with credentialing physicians

*Percentages shown reflect the number of respondents who stated that this was a problem at least half of the time.

2. Agency interaction

Survey respondents expressed that they are frequently dissatisfied with the quality of their interactions with locum tenens agencies.

Graph showing issues with credentialing locum tenens physicians

*Percentages shown reflect the number of respondents who are extremely or somewhat dissatisfied.

The problem is more pronounced when the credentialing and recruiting functions are separated at a facility. About half (48%) of teams separated by credentialing and recruiting functions had trouble receiving effective communication from the locum tenens agency, compared to 34% of teams with a shared reporting structure.

Example: If the recruitment team and an agency negotiate without coordinating with credentialing, it can result in added stress and frustration when credentialing has to accelerate the timeline to meet a promised deadline. Good inter-team communication is the best way to prevent these credentialing issues and ensure alignment on timelines.

3. Job/provider match

A less significant but critically important concern is matching the right provider with the right job. One-third (35%) of survey respondents identified the presentation of unqualified or mismatched providers for openings as a problem.

4. Length of credentialing process

A long credentialing process can be a problem for healthcare facilities, especially when there’s an urgent need for a locum physician.

Graph showing issues with how long it takes to credential a locum tenens provider

Even a few days' reduction in the timeframe for completing credentialing can translate directly into increased ROI for the facility.

Do the math: CompHealth’s locums revenue estimator calculator

8 tips to help make credentialing locum tenens easier and faster

The following practices can help reduce problems and setbacks when credentialing a locum tenens provider.

Graphic list of 8 tips to make the locum tenens credentialing process easier

1. Agree on the application completion process

Proactively set expectations with the locums agency on how you will work together to complete the application process. What constitutes a completed application can mean different things to different parties. Consensus between your facility, the provider, and the agency is key to timely completion.

2. Communicate your credentialing process

Many agencies can assist you in credentialing locum tenens, but they will be more effective if they clearly understand:

How they can and can’t help

  • What do your bylaws require?

  • What tasks will you allow the agency to perform?

  • Is there a credentialing checklist you can share with the agency?

  • Can the agency assist in obtaining professional references?

  • Can the agency make follow-up calls to help obtain documents and primary source verifications?

What your credentialing requirements are

  • How do your requirements differ from the agency’s credentialing requirements?

  • If they are different, can the agency still help you gather the needed information?

  • What do you consider to be concerns or red flags?

What your privileging requirements are

  • Do you grant temporary privileges for locum tenens providers?

  • If so, what needs to be completed before you can make a decision?

What your expectations are

  • How do you want to communicate with the agency, and how frequently?

  • What are your timelines, meeting dates, and important deadlines? Example: If a provider isn’t licensed to work in your state, when must the license be obtained to meet your deadlines?

Example: The locums agency is still credentialing Dr. Smith, who has been presented for an open position. Complete information is not yet available when Sharon from the hospital’s credentialing department starts the locum tenens provider credentialing process. Sharon asked her contact at the agency to provide Dr. Smith’s status and when she could expect to get the missing information. She also requests to be notified if anything changes.

3. Streamline your process

If it’s a challenge to communicate your process clearly, you may want to consider conducting a formal evaluation to discover opportunities for improvement. Streamlining your process could result in:

  • A shorter credentialing timeframe

  • Faster review process

  • Improved communication with internal and external stakeholders

CompHealth has used various methodologies to improve and streamline its processes, including the provider credentialing process. Two options that can help you are the kaizen and Lean methodologies.

4. Ensure a detailed practice description

Complete and thorough practice descriptions can help reduce the number of candidate presentations that don’t match the need. A more detailed practice description will better enable the agency to provide you with applicants that match your requirements. Better qualified applicants mean less time on your part filtering out unacceptable candidates during the credentialing process.

5. Communicate provider expectations early

If you are communicating with the provider directly, connect your credentialing staff with the provider as early as possible to set expectations and answer questions.

Provide a comprehensive checklist of what they need to do and when. Ensure they have easy access to any forms and documents they may need.

6. Watch for red flags

Once you receive information about a provider — whether from the agency or the provider directly — begin reviewing their credentials to identify any red flags. Identifying red flags early in the process can save time credentialing candidates who do not meet your requirements.

7. Fully address all concerns as soon as possible

Although they might not be red flags, minor concerns should be addressed as early as possible. Quick resolution of concerns gives you and the provider confidence to proceed with credentialing.

  1. Investigate: Dig deeper using available resources. (For example, if you identify a potential health concern, get a release and discuss it with the candidate’s treating physician.)

  2. Discuss: Bring your concerns to the agency/applicant to ensure a clear understanding

  3. Manage: Follow up to verify all concerns have been appropriately addressed/mitigated

8. Follow up with primary sources

Following up proactively is an excellent way to avoid delays in primary source verification. Here are three tips that can help.

  1. Reach out: Call the facility and ask for the name of the person who receives verification requests. This will help you ensure that the request reaches the right destination.

  2. Follow up: Once you have sent the request, follow up to ensure the correct person received it, then ask when you can expect a response.

  3. Understand preferences: Ask how often you should follow up with the primary source and their preferred communication method; it will help you avoid becoming a nuisance.

Do it right: How to credential locum tenens providers with confidence

How a good agency can help

An agency can be a help or hindrance in credentialing locum tenens providers. Here’s how a good agency can facilitate the process.

Graphic list showing how a good locum tenens agency can help with provider credentialing

Presenting only qualified candidates who match your need

Agencies work with two kinds of providers:

  • Currently credentialed providers

  • New providers who the agency is still credentialing

A new provider may be presented for jobs where they appear to be the best fit, even though they may not have completed the agency’s credentialing process. Although this presents some risk to the agency and the facility, it can often result in a positive outcome for everyone. The downside of accepting a candidate of this status is the risk that a problem may arise during credentialing. The upside is the candidate may help you fill the position more quickly.

Tip: If you are willing to consider a provider the agency hasn’t fully credentialed, schedule a phone interview with the candidate and the appropriate clinical department head. This will allow you to vet the candidate early in the process.

Communicating expectations to the candidate

An agency already has a relationship with the provider they are presenting, so they may be able to help by communicating the following to the candidate:

  • The timeframe to complete the credentialing process and important milestones that need to be met to stay on track

  • All hospital privileging requirements, including required paperwork and clear expectations for turnaround times

  • What it means for the paperwork to be completed in full

Educating their providers

Many providers leave blanks on an application because they lack the needed information. An agency can educate its providers on the importance of keeping all certificates, legal documents, letters, and other documents related to their practice in a safe, dry place where they won’t degrade. Providers who have been coached on good organizational habits are easier to credential.

Helping with the legwork

A good agency should have an internal team dedicated to the credentialing process. The agency should promptly provide all applicable and legally shareable documents on the candidate. This will help accelerate the process of identifying what is still needed. The agency can also follow up directly with the provider to ensure they’ve completed all paperwork and submitted it in a timely manner.

Helping with the credentialing

Facilities that need more resources dedicated to credentialing may benefit from a delegated credentialing agreement. A delegated agreement allows a healthcare organization to entrust primary source verification to another organization, such as a Credentials Verification Organization (CVO). Delegated credentialing may reduce the time it takes for a provider to be granted privileges at a hospital and speed up the provider enrollment process.

Pros of a delegated agreement

  • An agency can take on the entire credentialing process or provide assistance only on the parts that are challenging or time-consuming for your facility

  • Agencies already have a working relationship with applicants and often have many of the records needed for credentialing, which can make it easier to get primary source verifications that meet nationally recognized standards

  • Weekly file status reports provided by the agency can make it easy to track applicants and pass information upstream to your leadership team

  • Delegated credentialing creates efficiencies and eliminates duplicate effort that can be a burden for the applicant

  • Accuracy can be monitored through regular file audits

Cons of a delegated agreement

  • Your facility has less direct control over the credentialing process

  • Management could potentially have concerns that an accreditation body might not recognize delegated credentialing

If you delegate to a third party, be sure they are a nationally certified CVO or meet nationally recognized standards.

Get the help you need: Credentialing Resource Center

Communicating well and often with you

The AAPPR survey found that 86% of credentialing personnel felt regular process updates were very important. A good agency will communicate regularly where they are in the credentialing process — both in the agency’s own internal credentialing and in your processes. All parties should receive regular updates on what’s been received and what’s still needed. Open communication is critical to keeping things moving forward.

Communications tip: If you are credentialing multiple providers simultaneously or have multiple people involved in the process, regular conference calls can streamline communications and ensure progress. A shared spreadsheet showing the status of all providers is another good way to communicate status at a glance.

For permanent hires

Depending on the facility and needs, an agency can also assist with credentialing permanent hires. Talk to your agency to learn how they can and can’t help. For example, they may be able to provide information they have already gathered from the provider, but they can’t fill out forms on their behalf.

Streamline it: 5 reasons to use the same staffing agency for permanent and locum tenens jobs

Although credentialing locum tenens can be challenging, CompHealth is ready to assist you. Call us at 800.453.3030 to learn more or click the button below.

About the Author

Gerry Carpenter

Gerry Carpenter is the managing editor for CHG Healthcare. He is a 25-year marketing veteran who loves to write, edit, and play with words. He enjoys visiting new places, speaks fluent French, and is slowly learning Portuguese and Japanese.

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